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Treatment of Celiac Disease

When diagnosed, Dr. Schmidt is quick to reassure his patients that living a gluten-free lifestyle is not nearly as tricky as it used to be. Now, grocery stores and restaurant menus abound with gluten-free options. Plus, plenty of naturally occurring gluten-free foods offer healthy options, such as vegetables, fruits, and meats.

“You might have to say ‘No,’ to a chicken nugget but you can say ‘Yes,’ to a chicken breast,” Dr. Schmidt tells his patients. “I let them know it is a double-edged sword. The answer is not just a prescription for a pill – which I understand can be frustrating to some people. It is about making healthy gluten-free food choices on an on-going basis.”

Changing diet is the first step to bringing celiac symptoms under control. Your gastroenterologist and a dietitian will help you develop a gluten-free diet plan to suit your lifestyle. Your GI specialist will address any nutritional deficiencies to bring you back to better health. Supplements and medications may be required to bring a patient’s blood and nutrient levels back into balance to appropriately support healthy bones, brain function, skin and overall health.

Eating a gluten-free diet is easier than ever before. Improved labeling and a multitude of gluten-free food options help you navigate the grocery store and restaurants with confidence. Vigilant management of your diet will help you stay well and eliminate uncomfortable symptoms. Your Granite Peaks Gastroenterology specialist will work with you to address the challenges of celiac disease and provide treatment to get you back to your best health.